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Благодаря технологии BMW ConnectedDrive, BMW в очередной раз подтверждает свое лидерство среди автомобильных брендов в области интеллектуальных...
О нашумевшем беспилотном автомобиле поискового гиганта Google говорят уже многие годы. Но проект до сих пор окутан секретами и загадками. Как минимум не...
As part of the European DESERVE project, VTT (www.vtt.fi/), Iveco Finland and TTS-Kehitys Oy are developing a new software platform that will bring...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Warehouse Management System (WMS) implementations can be challenging, and so no company looks to make such a technology move unless it has real problems with its existing system or a very strong ROI from upgrading its current technology.

But there must be a lot of that going around. Analyst Dwight Klappich, who covers the WMS space for Gartner, tells SCDigest he continues to field many calls from clients considering selection of a new WMS.

There are in fact a wide number of potential factors that driver companies to look for a new WMS solution, which we have handily grouped into 10 different logistics scenarious below.


As part of the European DESERVE project, VTT (www.vtt.fi/), Iveco Finland and TTS-Kehitys Oy are developing a new software platform that will bring autonomous driving features to trucks. The truck of the future will sense nearby obstacles and possible safety risks, and inform the driver. The vehicle will also monitor driving behaviour and draw the driver’s attention to possible hazardous situations.

The DESERVE (DEvelopment platform for Safe and Efficient dRiVE) project coordinated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd involves the development of new types of software platforms, to which the ‘senses’ required by vehicles, such as cameras, radar and laser scanners, are connected. The platform enables software components and sensors to be connected to the vehicle’s systems without compromising their reliability.


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